Jan Vidar Haukeland
Institute of Transport Economics
Type of tourism research activities
Tourism research has been a key area at the Institute since the end of the 1960s. From the beginning, in-depth studies of tourism demand in Norway has been a major activity. Compilation of tourism statistics by conducting both domestic and foreign visitor surveys, as well as tourism development studies and trend investigations are included in such customer-oriented research.
Industry analyses and economic impact studies are other features of the Tourism research area. The interplay between transportation and tourism development is an additional stream of research.
Studies of tourism planning challenges, analyses of attractions and scenic roads are central themes. Moreover, the Institute is involved in studies of prospective implications of climatic change for the tourism industry in the Arctic region. Nature-based tourism and community involvement in local tourism development are also focused upon. Tourism development in conjunction with national parks is a significant research interest.
Other research activities
The Institute carries out applied research on issues connected with transport and promotes the application of research results by advising the authorities, the transport industry and the public at large. Its sphere of activity includes most of the current major issues in road, rail, sea and air transport.
Contact person
Mr. Jan Vidar Haukeland
Institute of Transport Economics
Postal address:
Gaustadalléen 21
N-0349 Oslo, Norway
T 0047 22 57 38 00
F 0047 22 60 92 00