Prof. Dr. Josef Mazanec

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Vienna University of Economics and Business

Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies,
Department of Cross-Border Business

Type of tourism research activities

Hospitality and tourism management; models of tourist behavior, tourism marketing research and marketing planning; decision support systems, management science applications to travel & tourism; destination and business competitiveness; e-tourism, development of interactive tools supporting management functions; tourism content mining and usage mining techniques; benchmarking systems.

Other research activities

Models of consumer behavior, strategic marketing and strategic planning in the service industries; market research; data mining, multivariate methods and neurocomputing; entrepreneurship; semantic web applications; e-learning and learning behavior.

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Josef Mazanec

Augasse 2-6
1090 Vienna, Austria
T 0043 (0) 1 31 336 4586
F 0043 (0) 1 317 12 05

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