Dr. Karl Wöber

MODUL University Vienna

MODUL University Vienna

Type of tourism research activities

At present, the following broad areas represent the research focus of the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management (www.modul.ac.at/thm) at MODUL University Vienna.

Travel Flows and Competitor Analyses

This area builds on previous work by MODUL University Vienna faculty on Regional Tourism Development. There is a need to perform travel flow and competitor analyses on national, regional, as well as local levels. For instance, recent changes in tourism infrastructure and tourism organizations’ activities in the Eastern European region are largely unexplored topics. Thus, wider impacts of these changes on tourism competition in Central and Eastern Europe remain unknown.

One of the many challenges of tourism research on regional levels concerns the collection and analysis of data. However, researchers frequently face methodological difficulties due to incomplete or non-standardized information. Therefore, MU Vienna aims to further expand current databases
on regional tourism statistics, as well as to develop and implement analytical tools to allow for a more specific investigation of economic issues in these regional areas.

Tourism Information Systems

The application of market intelligence for the development of IT-based product innovations, Management Information Systems and selected areas of Web economy form the core of this research area. Therefore, developments and widespread implementation of non-trivial analytical and optimization
tools from the adjoining fields of management and market science, psychometrics, statistics and computational intelligence are of particular interest to MU Vienna researchers.

Other research activities

At present, a number of projects in the area of media observation and knowledge management lack appropriate analytical frameworks, concentrate on a single medium or largely ignore the dual role of travelers and tourism-related decision makers as consumers and generators of content
within the media. This perceived shortcoming presents itself as an opportunity to develop strong research expertise with a view to model fundamental mechanisms of information diffusion in multi-leveled
interactive media and the impact thereof on public perception processes.

Contact person

Professor Dr. Karl Wöber

MODUL University Vienna
Department of Tourism and Service Management
Am Kahlenberg 1
A – 1190 Vienna, Austria
0043 1 320 3555 300
0043 1 320 3555 903

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