Mrs. Mara Manente
CISET International Center of Studies on the Tourist Economy – University of Venice
Type of tourism research activities
The areas of activity are: theoretical/general economic research, economic/environmental research and economic/managerial research. Articulation of these categories:
Statistics, economic analysis and TSAs
Studying the dynamics, characteristics and evolution of tourists is the first step to understand market trends and perspectives.- STATISTICS AND SATELLITE ACCOUNTS
Having a homogeneous set of information on tourism demand and supply is crucial in order to guide policies and investments, plan suitable product and marketing strategies and develop sector analyses.- TOURISM IMPACTS
Tourism generates positive and negative effects on the local socio-economic system and the environment where it develops.Tourism development strategies
Planning a sustainable exploitation of the territory and of local resources is crucial to develop management and promotion strategies for a destination. This implies defining the main stakeholders and their actions and identifying suitable monitoring and control systems.- TOURISM AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
The diffusion of Internet and new technologies and the development of multi channel distribution are changing the structure of the tourism value chain and the relationships between businesses and final consumers.- CULTURE AND TOURISM
Culture is one of the most important holiday reasons and one of the main expressions of the “travel civilisation”.- TOURISM MOBILITY AND TRANSPORTS
Tourism and transports are two faces of the same coin. Strategies specifically designed to govern tourism demand are not independent of policies planned to manage mobility to and from the destination and within the same destination. Likely, measures undertaken to reorganise the transport network cannot ignore the impact that tourism has on local mobility and accessibility.SMES in tourism
The trends that are shaping the evolution of the tourism market, besides reshaping the cooperation/competition between tourism businesses along the tourism value chain, also change the organisational environment where the enterprises operate.
Contact person
Mara Manente, Director
Villa Mocenigo – Riviera San Pietro, 83
30034 Oriago di Mira – Venice, Italy
T 0039 0412346531
F 0039 0415630620