Prof. Dr. Mathias Feige
dwif – Consulting GmbH
Type of tourism research activities
Our expertise is based on three pillars:
- Data: Through comprehensive studies, business benchmarking and monitoring instruments – such as the Sparkassen (saving bank)-Tourismusbarometer – we provide the industry with up-to-date knowledge essential for problem solving.
- Consultancy: Feasibility studies, specialist reports, strategy, marketing, and business process consultancy, allied with quality management enable us to advise the tourist and leisure industry on the measures to adopt for success. Specific market research is often an important part of the process.
- Communication: We act as moderators for decision making and change processes and convey our practice acquired knowledge through presentations, customised newsletters, lectures and seminars.
Other research activities
Apart from advising the tourism and leisure industry and all its subdivisions and off-shoots we also advise public institutions and financial service providers. In addition, we plan, manage and advise on international projects in the European region.
Ever since our foundation dwif has had a close relationship with the scientific community, primarily through the partnership of the dwif e.V. (registered alliance) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, but also through the membership of dwif experts in national and international organisations engaged in tourism research. Furthermore, numerous dwif employees are employed as lecturers at various universities and seminars.
Contact person
Prof. Dr. Mathias Feige
Postal and visitors address:
Marienstraße 19/20
10117 Berlin
GermanyT 0049 (0)30 757 9490
F 0049 (0)30 751 6510
info-berlin@dwif.deMunich Postal address:
Postfach 330 264
80062 Munich
GermanyVisitors address:
Sonnenstraße 27
80331 Munich
GermanyT 0049 (0)89 237 02890
F 0049 (0)89 237 02899