Monika Bandi

University of Bern

University of Bern

Type of tourism research activities

With the integration of the Research Unit Tourism into the CRED, a continuation of the long tradition of tourism research at the University of Bern is assured and well-established research topics can be continued and developed further. Beyond that, the broader regional-economic perspective also affords the opportunity to take advantage of new research foci. Our specialised subjects in research, teaching and services are:

    • Regional Economy in Tourism
    • Service Quality and Experience Economy in Tourism
    • Sustainable Development in Tourism (Climate/Environment)
    • Macroeconomic Issues
    • Culture and Convention Tourism

    Contact Person

    Monika Bandi

    University of Bern
    Center for Regional Economic Development (CRED)
    Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Postbox 8573
    3001 Bern, SWITZERLAND
    T 0041 31 631 3714
    F 0041 31 631 3415

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