Prof. Dr. Sophie Elias-Varotsis


MMTC, Lyon, France

MMTC is a company that provides training courses and consultancy services in the field of tourism and leisure with a particular emphasis on the sports and health sectors.

Its main areas of expertise, based on its members’ longstanding experience and practice, are focused on:

  • Destination Marketing
  • Team Management
  • Events Profiling and Organization

MMTC designs and delivers customized courses to fit the requirements of its clients:

  • Destination Management Organizations
  • Public or Private Operators
  • Small and Medium sized Enterprises
  • Private Individuals, Groups or Associations

Types of tourism research activities

Main focus on socio-behavioural and cultural trends on national and international levels by:
– Analysing, evaluating and monitoring tourist flows and their spatial impacts
– Auditing, designing and monitoring cultural activity preferences and change
– Analysing and comparing spatially specific behavioural trends

Other research activities

– Organization and management of cultural and sports events (seminars/incentives)

– Initiating, profiling and negotiating complementary providers’ partnership strategies

– Coordinating public/private cultural and sports initiatives and agendas

– Implementing personal development and team cohesion seminars

– Initiating, organizing and promoting multi destination sports/health activity programs

Contact person

Prof. Dr. Sophie Elias-Varotsis

89 rue Deleuvre
69004 Lyon
T 0033 4 78 30 4553
F 0033 6 51 88 0166

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