48th TRC-meeting, Athens

The 48th TRC meeting took place at the Laboratory for Tourism Research and Studies (ETEM), University of the Aegean in Athens (Greece). The local organizer was Prof. Dr. Andreas Papatheodorou.

Date: March 21-24, 2013
Location: University of the Aegean, Athens, Greece, http://etem.aegean.gr/

University of the Aegean


David Airey “Whither (wither?) Tourism Education”

Monika Bandi “Evaluation framework of a knowledge-based tourism project in the rural area”

Philippe Callot “Development of an indicator of economic, environmental and societal development (an IDEES) for SMEs: case study in the hotel and restaurant business sector”

Antonia Correia “New Paths of Tourism Development in Portugal. An Intertwined Strategy”

Mathias Feige “Preparing for EU Cohesion Policy 2014 – 2020: Case Studies of Impact Analysis”

Grzegorz Golembski, Justyna Majewska “Relations between regional tourism productivity and agglomeration: evidence from Poland”

Jan Vidar Haukeland “Tourism development in Norwegian national parks – some management challenges”

Metin Kozak “What is This Thing Called Tourism: Is it a Science or a Discipline?”

Martin Lohmann “Weather and Tourism – Issues, Methods, and Results: an Overview”

Andreas Papatheodorou “Airport Dependency Index (ADI): A Conceptual Framework”

Harald Pechlaner, Michael Volgger “Destination leadership for innovation: Who guides transformation processes in ski resorts?”

Egon Smeral “Forecasting City Tourism: The Case of Vienna”

Anne Verhaeghe “WES – Day Recreation Monitor”

Karl Wöber “Destination Benchmarking in TourMIS – Status Quo and Outlook”