50th TRC Meeting, Lyon

The 50th TRC meeting took place in Lyon, France. The local organizer was Sophie Elias-Varotsis.

Date: March 31-April 3, 2016
Location: Lyon, France

Check out the gallery of photos from the meeting:


Want more? You’re in luck – here’s another photo gallery!


… and an article about the meeting, published by Only Lyon (in French).



Peter Björk “Extending the Domain of Tourism Marketing”

Philippe Callot “An individual CO2 notebook to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)”

Valeria Croce, John Kester, and Karl Wöber “Expert Identification and Calibration for Collective Forecasting Tasks”

Sophie Elias-Varotsis “The Social Selling Gateway for Hospitality VSE’s & SME’s”

Raija Komppula “Involving Customers in (New) Service Development in Tourism”

Martin Lohmann “Why we travel. And does it change? Tourists’ motivation and tourists’ motives in Germany”

Justyna Majewska “GPS-based measurement of geographic spillovers in tourism”

Egon Smeral “Challenges of the hotel and restaurant industry: productivity and seasonality”